Eastern Wisdom: Stimulated Self-Organization par Excellence

Eastern Wisdom is an example of stimulated self-organization par excellence. For, what really characterizes most methods of development in the East and especially India, is a stupendous aiding of Nature's nurture. No other explanation could account for the tremendous results that Eastern methods, when followed in earnest, can bestow on the seeker or practitioner. One of the most powerful examples of stimulated self-organization is the Yogic discipline. I use the term Yogic discipline in contrast to merely Yoga, to distinguish the popular meaning of Yoga from the deeper, authentic meaning attached to the term by the great adepts of the past. For, what they meant by Yoga is nothing less than aiding Nature completely in her loftier purpose of exceeding herself to reach the highest and deepest potentialities of the human being, a completest actualization of the potential within.

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Stimulated Self-Organization: Aiding Nature's Nurt...


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